
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

google image result for "ouf"

i feel like i've barely seen harry due to my apparently worsening sleep situation - i wake up when he's about to sleep and vice versa. harsh realisation that when i'm alone i get so, so bored. i don't know how i ever lived alone. i find myself pacing quite a lot without realising - most alarming. i've also barely been able to get myself out of bed, let alone the apartment. so no cigarettes - much anxiety. it's fortunate that i don't care much for good weather.
but at least this rut has found me hitting the art much more than a healthy me would, i've been churning out a piece a night. the past few being paintings! i'm always too lazy to set up for painting and thus i tend to believe i enjoy drawing more, but once i actually get painting, i realise it's so much fun. especially since i'm mostly painting with my fingers because my brushes are awful and warped (all my fault tho). aanyway, here:


uh ohhhh

click to see bigger images

really happy with both of them. still in progress though, obviously. the one on the left i might just leave (after a few minor adjustments) but i find it hard to leave work as is. i get fidgety.
sometimes i see a tiny resemblance to Lady Gaga in the second one, and sometimes I don't see it at all. i don't know if it's worth putting can rollers in her hair or not..

anyway, i am excited for the end of the month and to receive cash monies again. this summer i think i'm going to finally put some money away to make prints and crafts and make a little beer money. (i love this time of year, when i make a world of plans for the summer, always in vain. but "not this time!"). reminds me i gotta buy a ticket for the Pavement+others not worth mentioning (that i know of) festival in June. shame on me for forgetting that was even happening. maybe i thought i was dreaming. Dinosaur Jr and Pavement in the same year, my younger self would be so stokey (colloq.) for me right now.

John "Comedy Gold" Hall of CT Indie has asked me to design some shirts in the vein of this poster, which is a piece i did in high school. i'm excited to brainstorm, i'm also excited because i have till June to noodle about which gives me something to do. also will make me feel more productive. t'would be nice to go america-ways this summer if harry and i can afford it, but it might suck to be under 21, especially since my "New Brunswick id" is horrendous. i like you, ontario.

two things i love today, which has so far only consisted of trying (and mostly failing) to wake harry up for a little chat, painting, showering and applying chapstick..:

Fred Thomas, because he's such a busy little michigander with big lips. mother always told me people with small lips and small eyes are untrustworthy and looking back, all my past exes have had notably large lips. coincidence? i dno. awkward snippet? yes.
anyway, he does a few different things : flashpapr, saturday looks good to me, and most recently (i think? i can never keep up) city center and my personal favourite would be his solo stuff,. i'm sure there's more that have slipped under my radar.
to be honest i've only heard one city center song i came across on some blog and it wasn't the best thing ever but i'm sure there's goodness in the rest (which is on the way). but what do i know about music, anyway. all i know is When You Fuck Things Up With Your Baby is my ultimate go-to-when-you-fuck-things-up-in-general album and it's never failed to further wallowing/cheer me up.
also one time, i messaged him on myspace and he replied, being the sweetest berry of them all. of course he never replied after but i'll let it slide.


Google Chrome, which i finally got earlier today. Firefox hit my last nerve, i never wanted to see that fucking spinning rainbow bastard again so i succumbed to Google's prodding and i'm pretty happy with it. it's very stripped down which makes it much, much faster. it launches
so much quicker than Firefox which takes computer-forever a lot of the time.
it doesn't even seem to be a complete slut for Google things like gmail and the like surprisingly, but it is just a beta version so who knows what the future holds.
i wonder whether firefox is being a cunt because it's so stocked up with history i refuse to delete and chrome is so fast because it's new and shiny? i guess i'll just wait and see as it piles up.
few minor inconveniences include no quick links tab (again, beta version, as stripped down as a tori amos cover, harhar) and it seems i can't resize images on compose mode here on Blogger.
more plusses are that i can see how much memory each tab is taking up, so if things are running slow, i know which tabs to close, instead of force quitting the whole darn thing. if i want to google something i can type it right into the address bar, which eliminates the need for the little search bar I have on Firefox, allowing even more space for a very, very clean layout. there's also an incognito window that automatically deletes history and other saved items, which doesn't really serve much purpose for me but cheers to cheating spouses, hormonal teenagers and the like, i guess.
i'm sure there are a world of other benefits that an amateur like me fails to appreciate/has forgotten to mention, but all i really care about right now is the speed, and i'm very satisfied with the change. all in all -- quick and easy on the eyes. (that's what she said? god no, i'm not that divorced from myself right now...?)

i think it's time to eat and nap! BYE.

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