Friday, December 4, 2009

more clayin' about going on! woke up at 6:30, got out of bed at 7 and went to the bank so i could go to the ahhht store on my street. purchased some 7 tubes of winsor newton paints on sale ($fifteen dolla per tube down to $FOUR DOLLA!) and some more clays. thought i was buying regular clay but after making stuff my best guy realised they were glow in the dark, so excitement ensued.

onto photos!

carrottop wip


harry joins in on the fun
harry painting

harry's flower


this is kind of really embarrassing but really delicious

reese addiction


what i'm working on these days + two or three lil sketch things!

started out with boobiess cos i haven't ever really drawn bodies/boobies (not for a while anyway) so i wanted to screw around but i used my face as a reference for face and some porno for boobie reference and it just kinda creeped me out so i painted on this godawful tanktop type thing which is going far far away, don't fear.
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untitled in progress


untitled in progress close up

+little sketches

waiting for dinner doodle

ok just fine


hey! i have started to play with clay

meet ethel

beforeethel WIP




but shoddy but i kinda like it and it was a lotta fun. gotta not work so small next time tho. EXPECT BIG THINGS IN THE FUTURE!


hello world of blogging, it has been a long, long time. i am going to use you to post up artwork (and maybe photographs if that ship ever sails again) because my actual life isn't happenin' enough to blog about.
until i get this sorted out and remember how to use this, here are some links! (photos!)

